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    Buying Premium Pre-Owned costs roughly 15%-80% less than buying new-in-box. These price discounts are based on the MSRP the last year the device was manufactured and sold new-in-box by the OEM. For example, phones like the iPhone 8 that are still in production and sold new-in-box by Apple, are compared to the list price currently on apple.com. Phones no longer in production, like the iPhone 6S, are compared to what Apple sold a new-in-box 6S in 2017, the last year it was in production. The longer the device has been out of production, the greater the discount you should expect.

    When comparing our Premium Pre-Owned prices to other websites, remember condition has a dramatic effect on the price. So if the price for the same used device is lower on another website, it’s because the condition is not comparable.

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